Today my lovely mother and I were desperate to get out of the house. There's lot's of construction going on in our house so we've all spent the last two weeks secluded in our rooms. My mother came up with the brilliant idea of retail therapy! We started off at the dollar store and as one of our old traditions, we put on funny headbands, sunglasses, and hats anytime we passed them.Believe me, since Easter is soon approaching there were TONS of fun little accessories in there. But I'll respect my mother's request NOT to post all the silliest ones (which happen to be my favorite) and just show you the nicest ones LOL.
Knowing me, put me in a store with dresses and I'm doomed! I just can't resist! And who would want to? I must have tried on at least 20 and I found a really cute owl sweater. Funny enough if you know anything about the way that I shop you'd know that despite my instant attachment and general love of new clothes- I didn't buy a single thing. Although I did put the blue denim dress in layaway =)
While my mom was shopping around looking for something 'cute and
fresh' to add to her wardrobe for the coming season, I was on a secret
mission... I found her a suuuper cute dress! I've seen it in
Seventeen magazine, yes I still read Seventeen at age 19 so what!, and I
thought it would be perfect for her body type. I found the last one in
her size, forced her to try it on, and I was right! No surprise there ;)
She fell in love with it and it looks so darn good on her petite self!
We then swooned and sighed over the vibrant colors in the home decor section. I'm sure we're not the only ones who redecorate our living space in our head every time we walk down those aisles.
Look at what I found at Walgreens! They have adorable mouse shaped ring pops inside. Much too small for me and clearly meant for toddler sized humans. Currently contemplating on whether or not to o back and get them simply because they are adorable. I'd give the candy away, maybe...
Since my hair color has grown out and faded away to pretty much nothing, I'm on the hunt for a new hair dye. I can't decide! I want either a deep shade of red or a light shade of brown. Typically the rule is: lighter in the warmer sunny months and darker in the cold grey months. But I find myself leaning toward the deeper shades. Probably because I had warm brown hair all last year and I'm getting bored of it. Maybe I'll go lighter though, it does bring out my eyes. Oh well, the search continues.
So as usual my dad and I were sent to pick up pizza, YUM! We took pictures at almost every stoplight, another tradition of ours.
Oh and did I mention I met the cute boy at Walgreens!? Okay he was the cashier so I didn't meet him in a traditional sense. But he was really nice and had great hair. It was long and curly at the ends (swoon) and when I complimented him he told me that he was going to donate it to Locks of Love soon! How sweet of him, right?
Today was pretty fun, along with going over my mom's BFF's house for some sweet tea and conversation. Tomorrow we're gonna go back after some more shopping. Girls day #2! =)
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