1: Take some fake flowers of your choice ( I used my moms flower arrangement shhhh!). They don't have to be all the same flower but mine are. Also, it doesn't really matter how many, the more flowers you choose the wider and fuller it will be. I chose about 7 medium sized flowers. Snip off and discard all of the wires, stems and plastic backings so you're just left with the actual flowers.
2: Take some embroidery floss (or an old flexible headband) in any color of your choice. I chose brown because it matches my hair. Measure the desired length of your headpiece. For a full headband measure all the way around your head, for half measure half-way around your head, and so on. Mine isn't quite half way around my head, more like 3/4 of the way or about 7 inches long. Cut 9 stands of the desired length and set aside.
3: Whip out your glue-gun and heat it up!

4: Take the 9 strands of floss, tie a knot in one end, separate into sections of 3 and braid it up tight. Once you reach the other end tie another knot. Take your flowers that you've chosen and arrange to your liking.
5: Once arranged and your glue gun is ready to go carefully take each flower one by one and glue to your headpiece.
6: Allow a few minutes to pass as the glue cools off and solidifies.
(not pictured)
7: There are a few different ways to attach clips or pins. You can take 2 bobby pins or hair clips of your choice and glue them to both ends... Or if you're lazy like me you can leave it as is, do you hair however you want and simply tuck the ends of the headpiece into your hair and simply secure the ends with a bobby pin on each end.

Voila! Enjoy :)
You are very pretty!