I will send out all cards & letters by the end of the first week of December (Saturday, December 7) to ensure they arrive on time for Christmas! :)
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
2013 Christmas Cards
Would you like some holiday love this year?
I will send out all cards & letters by the end of the first week of December (Saturday, December 7) to ensure they arrive on time for Christmas! :)
I will send out all cards & letters by the end of the first week of December (Saturday, December 7) to ensure they arrive on time for Christmas! :)
Fitted Crib Sheet Tutorial

Happy Wednesday! So Thanksgiving is tomorrow, can you believe it?!
I will be spending some much needed time with my family and I probably won't be back until the weekend. So I will leave you with my latest DIY+Tutorial! This is intended for a crib mattress/toddler bed but I am using mine to put at the bottom of a playpen so I'm using a soft block of foam instead. This project took me about 45 minutes to an hour (keep in mind I was stopping periodically to snap pictures). And it was a breeze the whole way through. So give it a try! Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!

2 yards of your choice of fabric (I recommend anything soft)
Mattress or foam (I used a soft foam block measuring 22" x 36" and 4" deep)
At least 2 yards of elastic (1" wide or smaller. I chose 3/8")
Scissors, matching thread, measuring tape or ruler, safety pins and stick pins.

Cut out a rectangle that is 8-10" larger than your mattress on all sides.
Fold into fourths (fold it in half and half again.) For this step it doesn't matter which side is facing where, just so long as you have one corner where all the edges are left open.
IF YOUR FABRIC IS 8" LARGER: Cut out an 8x8 square out of the open corners.
IF YOUR FABRIC IS 9" LARGER: Cut out a 9x9 square out of the open corners.
And so on...

Take the two sides of each corner, right sides together, and sew.
This is gonna be the corners of the sheet. Repeat for all four corners. You can serge the seams, zigzag 'em or leave it raw like I did.
Again, you can serge or zigzag around the entire sheet before moving on to the next step, but I chose not to... Mainly because I don't have a serger and it's just one extra step that I don't find necessary.
Again, you can serge or zigzag around the entire sheet before moving on to the next step, but I chose not to... Mainly because I don't have a serger and it's just one extra step that I don't find necessary.

Now for the pinning, you can go ahead and iron it down right before pinning the edges down. I folded mine over about an inch that way the channel is 1/2" wide which is perfect for my elastic which is 3/8" wide. If you've already ironed it down really well then you don't have to actually pin it all the way around. But I hate ironing soooo I just pinned it lol.
Make sure to pin a start and stop point so that you leave an opening. I usually leave about an inch for this. You don't need a gaping hole, just enough to get the elastic in 'n out.
To insert the elastic take one end (let's call it side A), attach a safety pin, and pin the
opposite end (side B) to the sheet. Side B will act as an anchor. Start stringing side A through the channel, all the
way around till it comes out the other side. When you finally get to the end go ahead and take the safety pins out and overlap the ends of elastic about an inch and sew them together using a zigzag stitch. Go back and forth a few times to ensure that they won't come apart. Tuck it back into the casing and sew the opening closed.
That's it! You're done!

Sunday, November 24, 2013
I went to Target and binged on stationary

- 2 roles of glitter tape
- 4 packs of notebooks with matching notepads
- 2 notepads with matching clipboards
- 3 packs of sticky notes
- Mechanical pencils
- Pens
- 1 set of zipper pouches
- 5 packs of lables and stickers
- 1 pack of assorted buttons
- 3 packs of greeting cards with matching envelopes
pls send help
Everything costs between $1 and $3! I always go straight to the dollar bins near the front entrance of Target before I do anything. So when I saw these earlier last week I 'bout lost my mind. I couldn't control myself. Whoever is on the design team behind these babies deserve an award!!! Everything is so pretty and cool.Matches my style so well. Very mis-matchy but still cohesive and girly.
Target did that!!!
Cliche amatuer photography

Because you just can't claim to be 'into photography' unless you've taken cheesy pictures of water droplets and sad wet leaves.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Feeling very Nancy Drew - OOTD

Dress (belt included) and shirt: Forever 21
Tights: Target
So due to the rain (which was much needed) on Wednesday my grandparents bathroom ceiling caved in (not needed) How awful right? My dad has been going back and forth doing his best to help and repair the damage and fix the ceiling. We only have one car so my grandpa is letting him borrow his lil old Cadillac. WHICH MEANS I don't have to walk to work!!! I mean I love getting my daily exercise and all that but girrrrl number 1) it's cold and 2) it's WET! I ain't about that life. I am super grateful that we can borrow his car even if it's only for a few days. Love you Grandpapa!
Didn't have to go in to work Thurs. until the afternoon so to kill time I fired up my new B&BW candle (salty caramel - YUM!), ate some waffles, and sang a bunch of songs all morning. Recorded myself just for the heck of it lol it's been quite a while since I've made a YouTube video.
Around 1pm my dad came back and told me about the 50% sale at my absolute favorite thrift store! 50% off the ENTIRE STORE! He knew I would have a fit as soon as I heard the news (which I did) so he didn't even stop to close the front door or put his keys down. We drove right over and I made a B-line for what I call the VIP section of the store. We basically rushed the entire time we were there because by the time we'd arrived I had about 45 minutes until I had to clock in. Got some great dresses and a couple of shirts for around $17! There was a gorgeous powder blue trench coat that I'm kicking myself for not getting. It was on sale for only $12. I KNOW I KNOW! $12 is practically a steal!! BUT YOU GUISE I was under so much pressure and I just left without it. I'm hoping and praying that it's still there when I come back next week. I got my dad a jacket though. Funny enough he went back after dropping me off at work and bought himself some sneakers and another coat. It was so funny because he never and I mean NEVER buys himself clothes let alone shoes! But he was in need of some new stuff so it's all good. I'm glad he found some things he really liked.
Work was cool, not as tiring. But one of my coworkers is leaving on Saturday :( She's moving on to greener pastures. And I'll really miss her! But I found out that she like chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (my kinda girl) so I'm gonna bring her some along with a card signed by errybody just to show her some love on her last day. Except I'm not working that day, I actually have a family party to go to that night. So maybe I'll do it tomorrow instead? Idk... I go in tomorrow morning so I'll decide tomorrow.
When I came home it was just me and mommykins for a few hours. I lit up my candle for round two and she was soups jealous that I didn't get her one. But I told her that because the candles I buy are for the whole house. Lol she's so stingy!!! If I had gotten her one I know that she'd keep it in HER room and close her door so nobody else could get any of the yummy goodness! So my candles will stay right here in the living room.
Also I got a letter from my pen pal today! Too cute!

I don't care what kind of day I'm having. A sweet note in the mail always makes me feel better.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Should I give up or should I just keep jumping puddles? - OOTD

Today was my day off. I had nothing to do all day and I was in a fantastic mood so I wasted no time and got myself dressed. Since I was feeling unexpectedly happy I decided today would be the day for me to jump back into blogging. It's been almost 4 weeks! 4 weeks people!! It rained pretty much all day until the sun started to go down. The whole neighborhood was really calm and quiet- obvi everyone was either at work or school but still, It was nice to have some peace and quiet. Did I mention I had the house to myself? Glorious rain, over-sized sweaters, new lipstick, hulu + netflix, what better way to start off the holiday season?
My dress I actually bought in a size XL from the clearance section at Ross. Pretty cool, huh?
So I'm back from my month-long hiatus. Aaaand I think I may have gone a bit overboard with the pictures in this post because I did miss blogging while I was *ahem* away. Speaking of my time away, I appreciate and am SO grateful to those of you who have commented or otherwise reached out to me in regards to my last post. A coming out of sorts... It means so so much to me that y'all care. I love each and every one of you. Believe that.

Hat: Forever 21
Eyeliner: Maybelline Eye Studio Gel Liner in 'Blackest Black'
Lipstick: Maybelline ColorSational in 'Deepest Cherry'
Over sized sweater: Ross
Coat: Ross
Tights: Target
Flats: Payless
Rainboots: Borrowed from my sister
Umbrella: Target
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