Well like most mornings I was a hot mess upon waking up. So I got dressed and slapped on some makeup. I had the house to myself (extremely rare these days) and despite it being 9:45ish in the morning I turned my speakers up and sang along (horribly and off-key) to all my favorite songs. I made myself some tea and toast and tidied up a bit, finally. Actually, all morning I was organizing and dancing around my apartment. But around 1pm I knocked out. One minute I was re-watching some Doctor Who episodes and the next I was asleep. When I woke up I wrote in my diary for a while, did a little research, and then wrote up a new to-do list.
My mom and dad came back soon after. They had borrowed the car that morning to take my mom to the doctors he had to drive alllll the way back to pick up my sister from work. Now because she wanted to get in the fast lane I had to come along. We left a little earlier than we usually would because he wanted to allow some time to stop by the store before picking her up. BUT there wasn't enough time once we got there. The car ride over was pretty fun. I found a radio station that played only Christmas music! How fun! For about 30 straight minutes our car was like a mini Christmas party, complete with silly dance moves. I'm sure the neighboring cars got a kick outta that. In fact I know they did because I got stared at by some dude in a white pickup and I could see he was trying not to laugh at me. But I just laughed and waved. At this point with all the car dancing I do I don't even get embarrassed anymore.
OH! And it was brought to my attention that my socks matched my sweater, unintentional but still kinda cool. Especially because I bought that sweater at the thrift store (remember this?) and the socks were a hand-me-down from my sister. My guess is that they came from Target though. I mean I wish I could make you feel the softness of that sweater. We all know that there is a certain quality about Target clothes... idk what it is but it just feels like a Target sweater. Does that make any sense? Whatever, I JUST REALLY LOVE TARGET OKAY.
My sister keeps this little tin can in her car. It's funny because when she first put it there I remember thinking Wow okay, homegirl really has a thing for spam. Just can't get enough, but really? In the car?. When I picked it up with the intent to make fun of her I realized it's just full of change. But it's a great idea! Rather than letting them play hide 'n seek all over your car and getting on your nerves just store them neatly in a fun little box placed conveniently in the cup holder. By the way, I know that it now is darker much earlier due to daylight savings... but the sun seems to be going down soooo much faster than I ever remember. Do you notice that? Like, the sky was clear blue when we started our way back to the house. Keep in mind that the drive is only about 20 minutes or so. Before we even got close to the house the sky was almost completely black. What?! But the upside was that I got a little peak of Christmas lights on all the different houses. In that second photo of the view from our car that's actually a refinery! It sounds bananas but trust me it is so glittery and pretty! *the magic of christmas*
When we got home I was starving. Soup and crackers it is! I love soup, and recently I've been loving tomato soup. So good and good for you too! I ate way more Saltines than I probably should have but who cares. I was full and my tummy was happy. I've been eying the cake mixes in the cupboard for a couple of days **SIDE NOTE I've been having weird sugar cravings lately.... like level 9 cravings** But I decided to go with some good 'ol Hostess cupcakes instead because I could not wait the 30-45 minutes it takes to mix, bake, cool, and ice a cake just to get my chocolate fix. BUT I still wanted more. My mom was feeling a little sick from the medication she got earlier from the doctors appointment. She was hungry so I heated up some leftover pizza and baked her a cookie. I thought while I'm at it I'll just make everyone some cookies. We're a family of cookie monsters in case you didn't know. But I'm sure you do because this is the millionth time I've talked about baking cookies. It's always the same chocolate chip and almost always from Pillsbury.
My sisters dog despite being completely covered in fur loves to feel warmth. She loves to sun bathe (like a cat!), sit in front of all the heaters, she'll even lay down next to you and steal your body heat if you let her. Poor thing, my dad usually cuts her hair because it grows back so fast that it would be silly to go back and forth to the groomers. And for some reason the hair on her face grows the fastest. It gets in the way of he eyes when it's left alone for too long. We don't have any special puppy clippers or anything. We literally just go at it with whatever scissors are nearby. Look at her! Little ragamuffin. She has no idea. Or maybe she does and she secretly hates us for jacking her up. Hahaha! Oh if only animals could talk. Wait, just kidding that would be scary. Never mind.
I finished off the night catching up on my shows with HuluPlus, my favorite candle, and writing letters to friends who are very much in need of some holiday love.
So that was my day! Usually I'd spend my day's off from work either sleeping or sewing but not today. I had 3 consecutive days off - Sunday, Monday AND Tuesday. You know I was happy. Especially in this crazy busy Christmas season at work. Who knows when I'll get more than one day in a row off again. It was much needed though. I'm feeling so recharged! Ready to get back to work.
How do you feel today?
Haha, This looks so fun! The change holder is classic and it made me giggle. I hope your having a great Friday.