Saturday when I went in to work one of my coworkers had bought us all cupcakes! I love the people I work with, so thoughtful. picked up a few things at the supermarket for the next week or two of meals. Now, I will say that I really hate cooking and only do so as a last resort... For whatever reason lately I've been in the mood to cook! Anybody who knows me in real life would know how much of a big deal that is. I've tried a few new recipes I saw floating around Pinterest and even came up with a couple of my own! I failed to blog them (sorry y'all) But I promise the next time I make dinner I'll have the recipes up so you can try it out. Or pin it to one of your boards never to be seen again like I do :p Today I was making headbands for my niece. She's taking some ~professional pictures at the mall in the next day or two. Can you guess the theme? I don't have them pictured but I'm basically making like 3 of everything. It sounds like a lot of work because it is. I have another niece in Idaho and my sister let me know via FB that she definitely wants some headbands for her! So I'm excited to get to work! Thanks to Pinterest I have sooooo many ideas. And we all know how that goes lol. However I am determined to get it done. I have given myself a deadline of this Saturday. So here we go!
Those cupcakes look soooo good. I'm soooo hungry!! I hope you have a great Monday.