Okay maybe this isn't the milltionth dress I've made out a bed sheet... but I've certainly made a lot of them. Does this dress look familiar? You may remember THIS DRESS, and yes, it is from the very same sheet! I combined then two patterns Simplicity 2176 and 1873 for a fun little dress. It's full and swingy and very very girly! Again, I lengthened the skirt a few inches so it's at my knee. I added the little flap-band thing on the bodice this time. However I never ever use interfacing. Not on this or any kind of collar. From my personal experiences interfacing just makes things too bulky and too stiff. It could just be the brand I use or the way that I do it? Either way I never like using it. The fullness of the pleated skirt makes my waist seem extra tiny! You can really see the pleating. Nice right?

Since I've now gotten quite comfortable using both of these patterns it was a breeze! Literally an hour and a half!
I know this is around my usual time for making a dress... but for some reason this one felt easier.
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