So if you don't already know this, I have been completely obsessed with Ariana Grande since I started watching Victorious back in the day. Anyway I saw a picture floating around Pinterest of her in this adorable orange plaid a-line miniskirt. I think I saw it in November? Anyway I love short skirts and short dresses so I was immediately drawn to it. I'm more of a full skirt kinda girl because they make me look a lot skinnier and they're just more flattering on me versus anything else but she looked so small and adorable in hers! And after Googling her like a maniac I gather we're roughly the same size. So if she can look nice in an a-line mini so can I.

I put it on my sewing list and amidst all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season I completely forgot about it. This morning I go on Pinterest, only for like five minutes of course, and it seemed like every other outfit pin incorporated a miniskirt. And most of them plaid!

Normally I'm not even into plaid! I can only think of a handful of things in my closet that are gingham/plaid: a dress, two shirts, and three skirts. But I guess the more I see it the more it grows on me.Whatevs, it's cute. PLUS there's a few bolts of plaid and gingham fabric on clearance at my job so that helps to make my decision. Sorry I don't have a picture of them but take my word for it- there are really pretty! Word association: Anyone else immediately think of picnics and Clueless when they hear 'plaid'? Looks like I'll be making some miniskirts soon!
Actually now that I'm looking at those last two sentences with my ring finger on the 'backspace' key that brings me to another thought... I would love to go on a picnic. Last one I can remember was 4th of July last summer. Before that I was a sophomore in high school! Y'all know I don't get out much....Does anybody else daydream about picnics? I mean the whole idea is so cute. And like the domesticated girl that I am my favorite part is the matching dish sets, preparing food and packing it up all pretty in gingham patterned baskets and blankets. Although it sounds good in theory I know that I'd get sick of hauling all that mess around. I'm totally cool with grabbing Mickey D's or any other fast food and sitting on a park bench and calling that a picnic.
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