We all have things that we want to do. Important stuff, friends stuff, school stuff, just STUFF. They usually come across our minds while doing something usually completely unrelated. Like the other day I was walking home from work and I got all these ideas about what I wanted to cook for Sunday dinner. Once I got home I completely forgot about it... until right now. I'll be watching something on TV and think hmmm I think I should finally just do that hair tutorial video. And then the episode I'm watching ends and I forget. I'll be putting the laundry away and say to myself Hey I really wanna do a blog post on blahblahblah. I put my clothes away, come back to the computer, and then stay on YouTube for an hour. Needless to say I forget to blog... for like 4 days.
I think the common denominator here is that I never write them down. I mean, I actually keep lists of things in a special notebook specifically intended for my endless lists of 'things.' However, I don't take it with me 100% of the time. More like 60% of the time. So I end up forgetting about a lot of things that I want to do. While I'm having all these bullet points swirling around in my head with things I'm thinking about doing (does anyone else think with actual numbered lists or bullet points??) I might as well blog about it. That way I'm obligated to go through with them. Not really, but it'll feeeeeel like I have a responsibility to follow through with it. Plus typing is a lot easier and faster than actually handwriting. So here we go:
- vlogging about the fun happenings at work
- cook something yummy for Sunday dinner
- actually do that hair tutorial video I've been putting off since January oops
- finish that jacket
- clean out & organize my shoes + closet
- charge my phone haha!
- hem my dress
- paint my nails
- find some opaque tights under $5
- make Danielle a tutu
- make Lydia a skirt
- get a pair of matching belly rings
That's all for now. But I can almost guarantee that I'll have at least 5 more things to add to this lists the moment I press "publish." TTFN
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