Saturday was very hectic. I left my house and got the kids at 6am and everyone went home around 6:30pm. That's 12 full hours! And I mean FULL. If you've read my last post you know I like to have an itinerary. Most things went according to plan, others not so much. We started out with breakfast and a movie. Immediately followed by doing arts and crafts outside on the porch. The sun was so bright and warm! I let the girls take some pictures throughout the day. I love letting kids use my camera to see what things they find and see the world through their perspectives. In fact, the majority of these photos were taken by a 4 year old!
We played outside for a few hours to burn off the morning energy and when they got sick of that we came inside for a few rounds of dress up. What little girl can resist dresses and heels? Certainly not any I know. I cannot tell you how excited they were to raid my room! I can't blame 'em though, my wardrobe is pretty great haha. M's eyes lit up when she saw my prom dress, once I got her all zipped up she didn't wanna take it off! O tried it on next. They both looked like little mermaids; they were swimming in all that fabric! Complete with a sash, wand, and tiara. Watching them waddle like penguins in my too big shoes was the funniest thing. We listened to music and danced around for what seemed like forever.
Around noon my little cousin was dropped off and added to the party. J's a boy so dress up came to an end. I took them back outside to draw so everyone could get acquainted. The three of them got off to a rocky start but we headed to the park as planned. It was a great decision. They had more room to play and even made some new friends. I, however, got a workout. Endless pushing of swings, running around chasing kids, lifting the little ones when they couldn't reach, I was everywhere they were. But it was so great. I felt like a little kid myself and it's always a joy to watch children have fun.
We came back to the house around 4:30 and had a late lunch. J went home and it was back to me and the girls until their dad came back. We filled the time with iphone games, music, and another round of dress up. As you can see in the last two pictures I passed out at the end. Haha! I have never fallen asleep while babysitting before! O had laid down to take a little nap and I guess I did too. Luckily my mom watched M for a bit. I was only out for about 10-15 minutes, but that's a true testament to how exhausted I was! Never in my life have I had to take care of more than one child at a time. Yet there I was with three!
It was confusing, trying, and draining. But above all it was so much fun.
I love children. I'm learning so much about them and through them.
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