Monday, January 27, 2014

I got a Liebster Award!

1. Of the Avengers, which is your fave?
 Hmmm, I've never seen the Avengers. Is that Marvel? *quick Google search* OKAYYY seeing as the first thing to come up is a hot blonde with an impressive mid-section... I CHOOSE HIM. _______ you are my favorite Avenger man.

2. Short hair or long hair?
On myself? Long hair, just because it's so feminine. And I used to have long hair when I was a little girl and I miss it :( But I do enjoy short hair very much- it's so versatile! Other girls can rock it better than I can, but short or long hair it doesn't matter. HEALTHY hair is what really matters. 

3. What is the healthiest food you eat on a regular basis?
 Vegetables. I love cauliflower, carrots, lettuce, green beans, peas, asparagus, onions, blahblahblah. As you may or may not know I'm a vegetarian (6 years and counting!) You can't really be a vegetarian and not love vegetables, that's just silly.

4. What was the best girly movie of 2013?

5. What state would you most like to visit?

6. Do you speak any other languages?
Si, hablo espanol pero solo un poquito.

7. In what area are you your most creative self? 

8. New Red Dawn movie or the original; which do you prefer and why?
 Neither because I have no idea what Red Dawn is. WAIT is that one of the Twilight movies? *goes back to Google* Ohhh. Yeah, neither.

9. Best book you've read.

10. What is a fashion necessity for you, something you hardly ever leave home without?
My stud earrings from my brother, my locket necklace from my aunt, and my bracelet from my best friend. I'm really sentimental and I just love these so much. Literally, I'm either wearing these three things or nothing at all. It's very rare that I wear any other jewelry. 
11. How do you de-stress?
It's a three-way tie between sleep, sewing, and writing in journals.

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